Saturday, January 21, 2017


Last night was the first Friday Night Sew-In of the year!! This sew-a-long is hosted by Wendy over at Sugarlane Designs. I will state right here, I'm not much of a sew-er. At least not with a sewing machine. I have lots and lots to learn, first off patience. ;-)  But I figure if I keep trying and working on it, I'll get better with time.

I had posted earlier this week that my hubby had gotten himself a food dehydrator for Christmas. He asked if I could make a simple cover for it to keep it from getting dust inside of it as it is sitting right next to our pellet stove/heater. So I bought a big piece of fake leather...
cut it up and sewed it together. This was a bit difficult as I didn't want to pin it together in order to avoid any extra holes in the material, but it came together okay. I'm not super happy with the corners, but I did get them better than my first attempt. Also I haven't put a back on this yet as I wasn't sure if my hubby wanted to cover where the cord comes out or not. He said to go ahead and make the back a bit shorter to keep from pinching the cord area, so I will work on that today.
Next I decided that I would try and finish the zipper pouches I started a couple months ago. But as I sat down to work on it, the next instruction seemed off. They said to place the zipper along the top edge of the exterior fabric, making sure the start and stop points were 1/4 on the inside of it. But my zipper is a 9 inch (I checked and that's what they called for) and my exterior bag dimensions were 8 1/2 inches (again I checked to make sure I made it correctly), leaving me with this...
This clearly hangs over by about 1/2 inch - and yes, I checked AGAIN to make sure my measurements were what the instructions said. Not having much experience with zippers, I didn't know if I could sew over the back side of the zipper (before the stop point) and only have it open so far, or if I needed to make a wider bag. I decided to try a wider bag.
I got the material all cut out and the interfacing cut and fused on before it was time to make dinner. I'll get back to it soon and hope that this solves my zipper problems. If you know what I could have done different, please let me know:)

I have some fabric I bought last month that I really want to play with for our next FNSI!! I can't wait to turn it into some more project bags:)


  1. I think the cover for the dehydrator turned out super, Shannon. Hope you find an answer about your zipper issue. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  2. Love your fabrics for the zipper pouch! Can't go wrong with French General as far as I'm concerned! :)

  3. Great cover for the Dehydrator....
    Hmm Sorry ca't help with zipper problem as I hate doing zips...
