Saturday, February 17, 2018

FNSI - A Late Valentine

Didn't get as much done as I had wanted this time, but did get a late little Valentine project finished off. This was a fun little stitching project by Heartstrings Samplery called 'Handprint on my Heart'. I did it over one on 32 ct linen with the called-for CC Cherry Cobbler.                               
I finished it into a little pillow hanger for a china hutch in our living room.
I had this stitched in time to get it all finished up before Valentine's day, but didn't get to it until last night. I had hoped to also make a grime (or crud) guard for another q-snap frame I just bought, but hubby wanted to go out for dinner when he got home last night, and who am I to say that I'd really rather cook dinner myself? :) So we went out and then rented a movie, so that took the rest of the evening. 

The rest of this weekend will be spent doing as much stitching as possible! Well, I may need to do a little cleaning and cooking too as my mother-in-law is coming over tomorrow:) But this weekend is IHSW - International Hermit and Stitching Weekend!! This is a stitch-a-long I participated in some a little over a year ago, and it kind of fell apart for a while, but it is back!! And I'm pretty happy about it. You are welcome to join in as well, if you'd like:) 

So now I'm off to look a bit at what others worked on last night, and then do some stitching:) 


  1. Congratulations on your finish, Shannon! I really like your dyelot of Cherry Cobbler that you used for your stitch. Well done on getting it in finished form!

  2. Really nice cross stitch for Valentine's day

  3. Your Valentine project is beautiful. I really like the fabric you used to finish it off too! Wonder what movie you watched after your dinner out? I'm always on the lookout for a good flick.
