Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Craft On - 1 Step at a Time

Linking with Nicole at Frontier Dreams and her Crafting On blog hop.

I'm still working away on my Tidal Sands Cowl. When I last posted, I was tinking back, and after that I knitted away for a while and realized that I still had a mistake back near the first one, so I tinked back some more (@#$$@#)!! I did finally remember what I HAVE to do every time I knit a lace pattern - COUNT!!! I have my project set up with a stitch marker every 40 stitches to make that easier, I had it set up that way from the beginning, but I was being bold wreak-less, and not counting as I have the pattern memorized at this point. Hmm, obviously it doesn't matter.

Anyhow, I'm back to making forward progress on it...
When I pulled this back out a couple weeks ago I was just starting on the 4th repeat and after knitting, tinking, knitting, tinking and knitting some more I am halfway through the 5th of 7 repeats. My daughter said if I liked knitting it so much I should make another one instead of re-knitting the same one over and over. Yeah, she's pretty funny:)

I also decided to pull out the curtains that I knitted quite a while back. I still needed to weave in the ends, wash and block it and then sew the top into a tab to put the curtain rod through....
This window is over my kitchen sink and would have originally looked outside to the back of the house. At some point a porch was build and then turned into an extra room. My guess is that this was used as a wash house as this house was built in 1920 in the heart of Kansas, where there wasn't electricity until around the mid to late 1940's (the house still has some of the original wiring). As there was no electricity, there was no bathroom. A small room was made by way of cutting off one of the 2 bedrooms and a toilet and sink fits in it, but our shower is actually located in this room off the back of the kitchen, you guessed it, in direct view of this window:) This has been a problem for several years now as our daughter isn't allowed in the kitchen when her father is in the shower, and vise-versa - somehow it doesn't matter one bit if I walk through or if I'm in the shower. :/ So I promised to make these curtains years ago, and now they are finally done!! :) Daughter will probably decide to move out any day now,  HAHAHA!!!! I used THIS free pattern and I really love how they turned out:)

Okay, now off to see what you have been up to.


  1. I have been fixing my mom's knitted afghan a whole lot lately so I understand your pain. It is a pretty pattern though. I hope you can finish it soon. I like your tale of the curtains. Very pretty.

  2. Your curtain looks super and I love the story behind it. Sorry you had to remove stitches from your cowl. Enjoy your day!
