Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Yarn Along - Various Projects

Linking with Ginny of 'Small Things' on her Yarn Along/Read Along blog hop and with Nicole of Frontier Dreams and her 'Keep Calm and Craft On' blog hop. 

Getting back on track after having hubby home for a few days working on the house. We now have a new window in our back room instead of a sliding door. It looks so much better, but he's not done yet. The outside is all done, framed in, sided and painted now, but the inside needs new sheet rock and new flooring where he had to tear it out. It'll get done in time, but maybe not before he rips more out in an effort to have a level floor back there:) It's been a long while since I've had to live in a construction zone, funny how I didn't miss that!! :) 

We also got our daughter's vehicle fixed so she is back to driving herself to work and other places. It is amazing how much time that frees up for me!! I worry about her driving, of course, but man is it nice not to have to wait on a call all the time that I need to leave to go pick her up (especially since she doesn't have set work hours, it can be anywhere from 2 hours - 4 hours before I need to pick her up). 

I was able to get some work done on my knitting/crocheting this week... 

Reading: I gave up on trying to read, but I did load up another audible book so I will start on that this week:) I have been looking at seed catalogs as it feels like spring is already here. Even my tulips are coming up. It's way too early yet, and I'm sure we'll have a freeze that will kill everything off, but for now, it feels great!! Hubby wants to have a larger veggie garden this year, so I'm getting excited about all the things I can grow!! He mostly tends to the flower patches - otherwise there wouldn't be a flower patch as I'm not into flowers so much, and other than some initial help with tilling and sometimes planting, I do most of the work in the veggie garden. 

Crocheting: Crocheting was a lot easier to pick up between helping hubby this week, so our afghan got some love. It's at the half way mark right now, sitting at 36in long. I'm going to 6 feet since hubby is just over 6 feet tall and we want it to cover him too:) 

Knitting: I've made some progress on the Baby Shawl from Debbie Bliss. I'm really loving how this is knitting up in the 'I Love Cotton' yarn I'm using. It's actually going a lot faster than I thought it would. Other than making sure I'm right about the pattern, I've pretty much got that down too, so I'm thinking that I will be able to get this done before my cousin's baby is fully grown;) 

I'm also playing around with some sparkly yarn that I think I'll be making into a project bag. I have an idea of how I want to finish off the bottom of it (with some crochet rows) and how I want the closure to work (draw string - finishing the top of it with a bit of crochet as well so that ribbon will string through it) and then lining it so that nothing will poke through. Of course these are all just ideas, I'm not sure I can make them work out. It's fun to play around with either way!!

I'm off to check out the links and see what everyone else was up to this week:0) 


  1. Hi Shannon, that's great you have so many projects on the go! I really like the color of the shawl you are working on. Its good your renovations are almost done and you have more time since your daughter is driving. I know what you mean over the weekend in Toronto it has felt like Spring but surely it will get colder again before the spring actually comes.

  2. Love your shawl, such a pretty pattern and color! xx
