Monday, January 5, 2015

Project Progress

So how has this year been treating you so far? I have really been taking things slow and easy. Mostly been working on my Jan 1st projects, puttering around the house and trying to convince myself that all this lovely holiday time must come to an end. Not doing so well on that last part:) But school will resume today as well as house chores and grocery shopping.

As for my project progress, here's how it's coming along...

 Madam Cottontail from With thy Needle and Thread, almost has a head now:) I love the colors in this piece!! So far the fibers have all been from Weeks Dye Works, which I have a love/hate relationship with. I LOVE the colors they have, they are rich and turn out just beautiful. But I have troubles with the thread itself. It tends to knot on me more than others and it doesn't have as good of coverage as other I usually use. This piece is on 36 ct fabric, however, so coverage isn't as much of an issue.

Here's my crochet project. These will be fingerless mitts and it is coming along nicely. I really like the color, but I'm thinking I should have chosen a non-variegated yarn for this project. I'm losing the stitch detail with all the color shifting. That's okay for these since they are my first mitts and I will use them either way, but it's something I want to be aware of in the future.

And finally, my knitting project, Guernsey Wrap from Jared Flood. The yarn is SOOOOOO soft!!! I can't wait to wrap up in this one!! It may be a while though, as I'm on row 32 of 464. :) My goal is to have this one done at the end of next month, but I'm pretty slow at knitting, so we will see.

Today I am wanting to start pulling the projects I will focus on for the YOTA Sal and the Turtle Trot Sal as well as find a project to work on for the Smalls Sal (I will be choosing Christmas ornies for these so I will be ahead for next year:). Lots of fun 'work' for me!!


  1. I too will be doing Christmas ornies this year for the small sal, so far i have seven picked out and ready to go!

  2. Hello Shannon! Happy New Year! Love all your new projects! Hope 2015 is a very creative year for you! :) xx

  3. That Guernsey wrap's color is so pretty!
