Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Craft On - I am Addicted

Linking up with Nicole at Frontier Dreams and her Crafting On posts:)

I'm not sure if it's because socks are a small project that can tote around easily and get finished (relatively) quickly or what, but I don't see this trend of knitting socks going away anytime soon:)

First off I finished my first Wool-Free yarn sock...
This pattern has you cast on 64 stitches and it is noticeably bigger than the last 2 pair I knit. It fits, but I think it's going to stretch out and be a little too big. However I like that the leg part is longer and the toe has a little decorative stitching to it (I'll show that better when they are both done). Like a good girl, I cast on the second sock - but just barely!!
Because I somehow found myself at Hobby Lobby yesterday and found another colorway of Wool-Free sock yarn that I really like. There is lots of brown/rust/cream with hints of teal and dark blue in it. I decided to follow the pattern again, except to cast on 60 stitches instead of 64 and see if that helps. The other option was to use size 1 needles instead of size 2, but I don't have size 1 right now, so 60 stitches it is!! :) 

For a little fun:

While I was trying to take pictures for this post, I had a some help...
Pumpkin (above) is pretty chill. He looked around and nudged me just a bit to get petted and then sat down close, but out of the camera view.
Jack, on the other hand, is my boy, and he knows it. And he's jealous of anything that comes in between him and me petting him. He nudges, nips, jumps up on me, and uses his claws just enough not to leave a permanent mark, just about anything he can do to get my attention. He was flitting his tail on the yarn ball as I was trying to get it wound back up, nipping at my fingers and bumping my hands with his head as I was taking pictures. I love him though I'm glad he's outdoors or I would never get anything done. Plus I wouldn't be able to breath - we are all pretty allergic to cats, and breathing is important:)

Off to knit more socks!!!


  1. Your sock looks good and I look forward to seeing its match shortly. I really like the colorway of the Wool Free yarn you picked up on the 19th. Your kitties have beautiful coloring.

  2. This is a really good idea that you have going on. manufacturing

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