Thursday, April 13, 2017

Crafting On - Learning Something New

Linking up with Nicole from Frontier Dreams and her Crafting On Blog Hop.

I'm a little late this week with my 'Crafting On' link:) I had a wonderful day yesterday, getting together with my sister-in-law (Marianne Meyer of Midnight Stitching Designs) and meeting a new stitching friend. We met at the cutest little coffee shop and stitched and talked for a while. The new friend had to go to pick up her boys after a while so Marianne and I stitched a bit longer, went out for lunch and the visited a quilting shop before I headed back home. They meet each week, but as it takes me an hour to get there, I only am able to go every now and then. It was really nice to get out of the house and meet up with some like-minded sisters:)

I haven't only been stitching and gabbing around here:) I've also been crocheting...
'John Deere' inspired baby blanket for a friend.
And knitting...
Basic 'vanilla' socks
I really needed another knitting project going!! hahahahaha  But I am super excited to have started my first pair of socks. This was the whole reason I wanted to learn to knit in the first place!!! After looking for a couple years at instructions that I didn't understand, I decided to take the plunge. I still don't quite understand what I am suppose to do once I get to the heal flap, but I figure there is always You-tube for that:) I also am pretty sure I want to try every other way to knit socks other than on dpns, but it was the one way that I knew how to get started, so I went with it. It is my goal to fill up my sock drawer with hand-knits, so I guess I'll have lots of opportunity to learn all the different ways of knitting them:)

Off to see what everyone else was up to this week!!


  1. Super start on your pair of socks! You are really moving along on your John Deere blanket. Good for you! Isn't it nice to spend time with fellow stitchers?

  2. I love how your crocheted John Deere blanket is coming along! That is great you are knitting your first pair of socks. It is definitely confusing at first but it gets easier. After the heel flap you will want to pick up stitches along the flap to connect to the instep stitches. There are some great videos on YouTube to help I love going there to help me along with projects if I am stuck. Have fun!
