Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Just in Time...

for the end of Summer (or at least, the beginning of school - which to us is the end of Summer;)...
I finished my 'Signs of Summer' from Bent Creek. It only took 3 tries to get it right. I abandoned the darker fabric pretty much right away. I like how the thread colors look on the darker fabric, but I didn't think it looked very much like summer. So I tried the light colored fabric, but the thread colors kinda got lost on it. I did keep going with it though, until I got to the pelican, and decided that I really didn't like it either. So I tried the actual fabric that the chart called for?!?!? Hmm, should have just started there!! HAHAHA  I love how it turned out:)

Now that Autumn is here - at least in my mind it SHOULD be here!! The weather doesn't agree yet, and probably won't for a while. But I'm thinking it's time for some Autumn stitching. Not sure yet what I'm going to work on, if I need to dig through my stash, my WIPs, or if I need to do a little shopping. We will see.

As for the 'back-to-school' issue.. How many of you are like me and LOVE to buy school/office supplies? I just love all the cute notebooks and such out on the shelves. Unfortunately with only having one homeschool child, who is old enough to not need - or want- crayons and such (she's 17!!! This is her Senior year!!! How did that happen?!?!?), I didn't need hardly anything for her this year. :( Thankfully she also likes cute notebooks and fun pens/markers so we did get a couple things and these have got to be the cutest notebooks I have ever seen...

Look at those tabs!!! I couldn't help myself, and my daughter got one of the fox ones too. I have no use for these at all, but I 'needed' them. My daughter, Rylie, told me that she wouldn't use hers for school as that would ruin it. Ha!!

This week started Rylie's Senior year and man is it going to be a busy one. I keep thinking that she will choose less activities to join, but she just keeps adding them. She'll be able to drive on her own soon (a late bloomer in that area), so that will help a bit. She will continue volunteering at the zoo 1 morning a week, she dropped her work schedule down to 2 morning a week (she works with puppies!!!), she has 1 class with the homeschool coop that meets 1 morning a week and she will continue being the head 'teacher' at MOPs 2 mornings a month. She also added joining the homeschool swim team, which won't be as demanding as a regular swim team, thankfully, but will still require a bit of time. She is a evening/night owl, so most of her schoolwork gets done then (the things I help her with happen in the afternoon/evening, then she does independent work at night), so hopefully this schedule will work out okay. It'll just be super busy, but lots of memories to build this year, so that is good:) 

Well, off to look for an Autumn project that will hopefully help the weather to decide that it should be Autumn too:) 


  1. Those are adorable school supplies. :) Yes, please bring on cool weather!!

  2. Congratulations on your Signs of Summer piece! Have you stitched Signs of Autumn? What fun notebooks you picked up!
