Friday, May 22, 2015

Some Birthday Shopping

Last Saturday was my birthday (May 16th) and I had a day of shopping planned with my sister-in-law. We were going to go to our (semi) local needlework store and then to a couple of yarn stores as well as go out to lunch together. Unfortunately my car decided to start having some issues. I guess at 255,000 miles it was due to have a couple 'sick' days, but I was a bit upset it decided to do it on my birthday!! No problem, we just rescheduled and we were able to get out and have a fun day yesterday.

So what did I end up with? First I will say that while I love stitching, knitting has become a strong competitor for taking up a good deal of my free time. So while I did do a bit of both stitching and yarn shopping, the yarn defiantly took most of my allotted birthday money:)

My (small) stitching haul:
A freebie from Lizzie Kate that the LNS had sitting by their register, Pin Feathers chart from With Thy Needle and Thread and a piece of linen for it, linen and threads for two other projects I will be working on soon.

And the yarn:
The purple and grey sock yarn (Berroco Comfort Sock) will be for THIS SCARF pattern, the blue alpaca sport weight (Frog Tree) will be for THIS SCARF, and the teal baby llama lace weight (Queensland Collection) is undecided right now. I had another scarf idea for it, but I'm thinking maybe a shawl instead. I bought almost 1000 yards of it (it is SOOOOO soft and squishy!!) so I think I will be fine doing a bigger project with it. I forgot to include the size 2 and size 4 straight needles that I bought as well.

You may wonder WHY 2 more scarves (or you may be a scarf addict and completely understand already:). Well, I've never been one to wear scarves, but after making my first (LINK- from the old blog) I really started liking them so I've wanted to make another in a prettier and lighter weight pattern. The other reason is that I've recently discovered KALs (knit-alongs) and have joined in on two. The first by My Sister's Knitter is dedicated to any crocheted or knitted items that you are making for yourself. Better yet if it's a WIP and you need some motivation to get it completed. This KAL/CAL runs from May 15 - July 15 and all you have to do is join her Ravelry group. The other is from Suburban Stitcher and is dedicated to all knitted things that can be worn around your neck. There are prizes to be won on this one for how many yards you knit or if you use any of the sponsor's patterns or accessories. It runs from June 1st - the end of August and you can join in at her Ravelry group HERE.

It's already been a lot of fun seeing what everyone is working on/planning for these KALs and now that I have some yarn I can start posting my plans as well:)


  1. Muy feliz cumpleaños! que hayas tenido un día muy feliz.

  2. I like the Pin Feathers chart design! It looks so nice!

  3. Shopping for new stash is always a good thing when you want to get rid of your birthday money, lol. And you bought some great new stash for your stitching and knitting passions.
